method Groups.Add (Caption as String)
Adds a Group object to the collection and returns a reference to the newly created object.

Caption as String A string expression that indicates the group's caption. The Caption supports built-in HTML format as described here, if the CaptionFormat property is exHTML.
GroupA Group object being added to Groups collection.
The Add method adds a new Group object to Groups collection. The AddGroup event is fired each time when a new group is added to Groups collection. Use the AddItem method to add new items to the group. The caption may contain built-in HTML tags, if the CaptionFormat property is exHTML. Use the Caption property to access the group's caption. Use the Image property to display a picture in the caption of the group. Use the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods to maintain performance while adding new groups or new items. Use the Position property to specify the position of the group.

The following VB sample adds two groups and two items to each group:

With ExplorerBar1
    With .Groups
        With .Add("Group 1")
            .AddItem "Item 1"
            .AddItem "Item 2"
        End With
        With .Add("Group 2")
            .AddItem "Item 1"
            .AddItem "Item 2"
        End With
    End With
End With

The following C++ sample adds two groups and two items to each group:

#include "Item.h"
#include "Group.h"
#include "Groups.h"
COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing ) = VT_ERROR;
CGroups groups = m_explorerbar.GetGroups();
CGroup group1 = groups.Add( "Group 1" );
group1.AddItem( "Item 1", vtMissing );
group1.AddItem( "Item 2", vtMissing );
CGroup group2 = groups.Add( "Group 2" );
group2.AddItem( "Item 1", vtMissing );
group2.AddItem( "Item 2", vtMissing );

The following VB.NET sample adds two groups and two items to each group:

With AxExplorerBar1
    With .Groups
        With .Add("Group 1")
            .AddItem("Item 1")
            .AddItem("Item 2")
        End With
        With .Add("Group 2")
            .AddItem("Item 1")
            .AddItem("Item 2")
        End With
    End With
End With

The following C# sample adds two groups and two items to each group:

EXPLORERBARLib.Group group1 = axExplorerBar1.Groups.Add("Group 1");
group1.AddItem("Item 1", null);
group1.AddItem("Item 2", null);
EXPLORERBARLib.Group group2 = axExplorerBar1.Groups.Add("Group 2");
group2.AddItem("Item 1", null);
group2.AddItem("Item 2", null);

The following VFP sample adds two groups and two items to each group:

With thisform.ExplorerBar1
    With .Groups
        With .Add("Group 1")
            .AddItem("Item 1")
            .AddItem("Item 2")
        With .Add("Group 2")
            .AddItem("Item 1")
            .AddItem("Item 2")