method ExplorerBar.EnsureVisible ([Group as Variant], [Item as Variant], [Force as Variant])
Ensures that the specified group or item fits the control's client area.

Group as Variant A Long expression that specifies the index of the group to be scrolled so it fits the control's client area. The Index property specifies the index of the group being scrolled. 
Item as Variant A Long expression that specifies the index of the item in the group to be scrolled so it fits the control's client area. The Index property specifies the index of the item being scrolled. 
Force as Variant

A Boolean expression that specifies whether the control expands the group, so the item is visible, or whether the a new shortcut is selected so the group becomes visible. The Force parameter does NOT change the Visible property of the item. By default, the Force parameter is True, if missing.

The EsnureVisible method scrolls the control's content so the specified group or item fits the control's area. Use the EnsureVisible method to automatically scrolls to the end of the group where a new item where inserted. If the Item parameter is missing or -1, the EnsureVisible method ensures that the group being specified fits the control's client area. The Item parameter indicates the index of the item in the giving group. The EnsureVisible method selects a new shortcut, or expands a group, if case and the Force parameter is True. If the Force parameter is False, the control does not selects a new shortcut, in case the specified group does not belong to the selected group, and does not expand a group, in case the specified item belong to that group.

The following VB sample adds a new item to the last group, and ensures that the newly item is visible:

With ExplorerBar1
    .EnsureVisible .Groups.Count - 1, .Groups(.Groups.Count - 1).AddItem("new item").Index
End With