property Pivot.ShowIdem as String
Defines the symbol used to indicate repeated captions, providing a clear visual cue for identical entries.

String A String expression that defines the symbol used to indicate repeated captions, providing a clear visual cue for identical entries.
By default, the ShowIdem property is " " (single space). The ShowIdem property has effect only if the PivotRows property includes multiple-columns and the ShowBranchTree property is exBranchColumns. The ShowIdem property defines the symbol used to indicate repeated captions, providing a clear visual cue for identical entries. The ShowIdem property defines the symbol only for pivot-row columns (columns that were generated by the PivotRows property).

For instance, 

The following screen shot shows the control while ShowIdem property is " " (default, single space):

The following screen shot shows the control while ShowIdem property is "<fgcolor light gray>&#12291;":

The following screen shot shows the control while ShowIdem property is "" (empty string):