property Pivot.PivotColumnsFloatBarRect as String
Specifies the client-rectangle of the Columns panel, in 'x,y,width,height' format.

String A string expression that  defines the position and size of the Columns panel, in "x,y,width,height" format (separated by comma character)
By default, the PivotColumnsFloatBarRect property is ",,128,196".  The PivotColumnsFloatBarRect property defines the position and size of the Columns panel. The PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible property can be used to display a panel that contains a list of available data columns. The PivotColumnsSortOrder property specifies the sorting order of the columns to be shown on the Columns panel. The DisplayFilterList property indicates the type of filters displayed by the columns. The position x, y of the PivotColumnsFloatBarRect property are ignored if the Columns panel is shown as a child-window. The coordinates of the property are specified in screen coordinates.