method Pivot.Import ([Source as Variant], [Options as Variant])
Imports the control's data from a CSV format.

Source as Variant The Source parameter may be one of the following:
  • A String expression that indicates the path to a file to be loaded or the content itself (If the expression points to a file, the file's content is loaded) 
  • a Safe Array one-dimension or two dimensional to be loaded. If the Source parameter points to a one-dimension safe array, it indicates the rows to be loaded. If the Source parameter refers a two-dimension safe array, the first dimension indicates the rows, while the second indicates the column. If the Options parameter includes the word "reverse", the first dimension indicates the columns, while the second indicates the rows of data. 
Options as Variant A String expression that specifies different options to be used when loading data using the Import method as explained bellow.
VariantReserved for future use only.
The Import method loads CSV files / CSV content or data from a safe-array as explained:

Here's a few samples of using Import method with arrays, using the /COM version:

Here's a few samples of using Import method with arrays, using the /NET version:

The DataColumns property accesses the control's Columns collection, so you can rename or specify the column's type once the control's data is loaded. The PivotColumnsFloatBarVisible property specifies whether the Columns collection is displayed to a floating bar, so user can drag and drop columns to the control's pivot bar so it gets data summarized. The ClearData method clears the control's data. Use the DisplayPivotData property to specify the number of rows to be displayed on the control's list. The LoadHeadersOnly property loads the headers only, so no data is loaded.

The control can load data using one of the following methods:

The AppendData method appends data to the control (prevents clearing data already loaded).

The following properties may be used to group and summarize the data, once it is loaded:

If the Source parameter points to a string, the Options parameter indicates a list of options separated by space character ( or \r, \n or \r\n newline delimiters ) as listed option=value, where the option and the value could be:

For instance, if the Options parameter is "hdr=0 eof=';'", it indicates that the data in the Source contains no header information, and the fields inside the data are separated by a ; character. If the Options parameter is "eof=';' str=`'`" it indicates that the separator of the fields in the data is ; character while the ' character delimits the strings inside the data.

If the Source parameter points to a safe array ( two-dimensional ), the Options parameter may include the following word:

The following samples show how to load data from specified text (item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4), using different options (eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0). The data looks as follows once the Import method is called

VB6, VBA (MS Access, Excell...)

With Pivot1
	.Import "item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0"
End With


With Expivot1
	.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0")
End With


With AxPivot1
	.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0")
End With


	Copy and paste the following directives to your header file as
	it defines the namespace 'EXPIVOTLib' for the library: 'ExPivot 1.0 Control Library'

	#import <ExPivot.dll>
	using namespace EXPIVOTLib;
EXPIVOTLib::IPivotPtr spPivot1 = GetDlgItem(IDC_PIVOT1)->GetControlUnknown();
spPivot1->Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0");

C++ Builder

Pivot1->Import(TVariant("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4"),TVariant("eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0"));


expivot1.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0");


<OBJECT classid="clsid:5C9DF3D3-81B1-42C4-BED6-658F17748686" id="Pivot1"></OBJECT>

	Pivot1.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0");

C# for /COM

axPivot1.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0");

X++ (Dynamics Ax 2009)

public void init()


	expivot1.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0");

Delphi 8 (.NET only)

with AxPivot1 do
	Import('item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4','eor=''#'' eof='';'' hdr=0');

Delphi (standard)

with Pivot1 do
	Import('item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4','eor=''#'' eof='';'' hdr=0');


with thisform.Pivot1
	.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0")

dBASE Plus

local oPivot

oPivot = form.Activex1.nativeObject
oPivot.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0")

XBasic (Alpha Five)

Dim oPivot as P

oPivot = topparent:CONTROL_ACTIVEX1.activex
oPivot.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0")

Visual Objects

oDCOCX_Exontrol1:Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0")


OleObject oPivot

oPivot = ole_1.Object
oPivot.Import("item 1;item 2#item 3;item 4","eor='#' eof=';' hdr=0")