Name | Value | Description | |||
exLayoutResizePanels | 0 | One of the panels has been resized. The PaneHeight property indicates the height of the panels. THe PaneMinHeight property specifies the minimum height of the specified panel. Include or exclude the exPivotBarSizable flag in the PivotBarVisible property, so you let the pivot bar to be sizable or not. Include or exclude the exPivotBarAutoFit flag in the PivotBarVisible property, so the pivot bar's height fits its content. | |||
exLayoutPivotAutoHide | 1 | The pivot bar is auto shown or hidden based on the cursor position. Include or exclude the exPivotBarAutoHide flag in the PivotBarVisible property, to enable or disable the Auto-Hide feature of the control's pivot bar. If the exPivotBarAutoHide flag is included, the pivot bar is visible while the cursor hovers it, and it is hidden while the control is outside of the control's pivot bar. Include or exclude the exPivotBarSizable flag in the PivotBarVisible property, so you let the user resizes or not the pivot bar. | |||
exPivotDataLayoutChange | 2 |
The layout of data in the pivot bar is changing, such as dragging a column to pivot bar.
This operation notifies your application once the user drag a column/aggregate
to the pivot bar, or remove a column/aggregate from the pivot bar.
In other words, this operation notifies once one of the following property is changed at runtime:
| |||
exPivotDataLayoutExecute | 3 |
The control executes the layout. The control arranges the data based on the
current values of the following properties:
| |||
exPivotDataLayoutUndo | 4 | The user performs an Undo operation in the layout of the pivot's data. The Undo operation is performed once the user presses the CTRL+Z keys combination. Include or exclude the exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo flag in the PivotBarVisible property, to enable or disable the Undo/Redo feature of the control's pivot bar. | |||
exPivotDataLayoutRedo | 5 | The user performs a Redo operation in the layout of the pivot's data. The Redo operation is performed once the user presses the CTRL+Y keys combination. Include or exclude the exPivotBarAllowUndoRedo flag in the PivotBarVisible property, to enable or disable the Undo/Redo feature of the control's pivot bar. | |||
exPivotDataColumnFilterChange | 6 | The user changes the filter for a pivot column. | |||
exPivotDataColumnSort | 7 | The user sorts a pivot column. |