property FormatContent.Expression as String
Specifies the expression format the content of the column or row.

String A String expression that defines the format to be shown
The Expression property indicates the format to be displayed instead the value itself. If the Expression is not valid, the FormatContent object shows as disabled in the control's context menu. The Visible property shows or hides the current FormatContent object within the column's drop down content menu. The Name property specifies the HTML caption to be displayed on the control's context menu. The ToolTip property specifies the HTML tooltip to be displayed on the control's context menu, when the cursor hovers the object. For instance, you can use the Expression to display a computed column. 

For instance: 

The value keyword in the Expression property indicates the value/result to be converted.

The expression supports cell's identifiers as follows:

This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.