FormatAppearance object

The FormatAppearance objects can be accessed through the control's FormatAppearances property. The FormatAppearance object changes the visual appearance of your data as listed:

 The following screen shot shows the control's context menu with the FormatAppearance objects:

The FormatAppearance object supports the following properties and methods:

BackColorSpecifies the element's background color.
BoldRenders as bold text.
FontRetrieves or sets the text's font.
FontSizeIndicates the size of the font to display the text.
ForeColorSpecifies the element's foreground color.
GradientRenders the text with a gradient color.
GradientModeIndicates the gradient mode to be applied on text.
ItalicRenders as italic text.
KeyIndicates the key of the FormatAppearance object.
NameSpecifies the name of the FormatAppearance object to be displayed on the context menu.
OutlineRenders the text outlined with specified color.
OutlineSizeIndicates the size of the outline to be applied on text.
ShadowRenders the text with a shadow of specified color.
ShadowOffsetIndicates the offset of the shadow to be applied on text.
ShadowSizeIndicates the size of the shadow to be applied on text.
StrikeOutSpecifies that the text should appear as strikeout.
ToolTipSpecifies the tooltip of the FormatAppearance object to be displayed when the cursor hovers the object.
UnderlineUnderlines the text.