property Column.FormatImage as String
Defines the expression to determine the images the column display.

String A string value that defines the expression that determines the icons to display within the column, based on the values. 
By default, the FormatImage property is empty (it indicates that no icons is being displayed). The FormatImage property defines the expression to determine the images the column display. Use the Images method to insert icons at runtime. Use the ReplaceIcon method to add, remove or clear icons in the control's images collection. The FormatImage expression should return an integer value that specifies the index of the icon to displayed (zero indicates that the column displays no icons). The expression may be a combination of variables, constants, strings, dates and operators, and value. The value operator gives the value of the cell to display the icon.

For instance:

The value keyword in the FormatColumn property indicates the value of the cell. 

The expression supports cell's identifiers as follows:

This property/method supports predefined constants and operators/functions as described here.

The following screen shot shows the control with icons:

The following screen shot shows the control with no icons: