| | Name | Value | Description | |
| |
exToStringExt | 0
Specifies the part's ToString representation. The BackgroundExt
property specifies the EBN String format to be displayed on the object's
background. The Exontrol's eXButton
WYSWYG Builder helps you to generate or view the EBN String Format, in the To
String field.
generates the following layout:

where it is applied to an object it looks as follows:

(String expression, read-only).
| |
| |
exBackColorExt | 1
Indicates the background color / EBN color to be shown on the part of the
object. Sample: 255 indicates red, RGB(0,255,0)
green, or 0x1000000.
(Color/Numeric expression, The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color
indicate the identifier of the skin being used )
| |
| |
exClientExt | 2
Specifies the position/size of the object, depending on the object's anchor.
The syntax of the exClientExt is related to the exAnchorExt value. For
instance, if the object is anchored to the left side of the parent ( exAnchorExt
= 1 ), the exClientExt specifies just the width of the part in pixels/percents,
not including the position. In case, the exAnchorExt is client, the exClientExt
has no effect.
Based on the exAnchorExt value the exClientExt is:
- 0 (none, the object is not anchored
to any side), the format of the exClientExt is "left,top,width,height"
( as string ) where (left,top) margin indicates the position where the part
starts, and the (width,height) pair specifies its size. The left, top, width
or height could be any expression (+,-,/ or * ) that can include numbers associated
with pixels or percents. For instance: "25%,25%,50%,50%"
indicates the middle of the parent object, and so when the parent is resized
the client is resized accordingly. The "50%-8,50%-8,16,16"
value specifies that the size of the object is always 16x16 pixels and
positioned on the center of the parent object.
- 1 (left, the object is anchored to
left side of the parent), the format of the exClientExt is width (
string or numeric ) where width indicates the width of the object in pixels,
percents or a combination of them using +,-,/ or * operators. For instance:
indicates the half of the parent object, and so when the parent is resized
the client is resized accordingly. The 16 value
specifies that the size of the object is always 16 pixels.
- 2 (right, the object is anchored to
right side of the parent object), the format of the exClientExt is width (
string or numeric ) where width indicates the width of the object in pixels,
percents or a combination of them using +,-,/ or * operators. For instance:
indicates the half of the parent object, and so when the parent is resized
the client is resized accordingly. The 16 value
specifies that the size of the object is always 16 pixels.
- 3 (client, the object takes the
full available area of the parent), the exClientExt has no effect.
- 4
(top, the object is anchored to the top side of the parent object), the format of the exClientExt is
height (
string or numeric ) where height indicates the height of the object in pixels,
percents or a combination of them using +,-,/ or * operators. For instance:
indicates the half of the parent object, and so when the parent is resized
the client is resized accordingly. The 16 value
specifies that the size of the object is always 16 pixels.
- 5
(bottom, the object is anchored to bottom side of the parent object), the format of the exClientExt is
height (
string or numeric ) where height indicates the height of the object in pixels,
percents or a combination of them using +,-,/ or * operators. For instance:
indicates the half of the parent object, and so when the parent is resized
the client is resized accordingly. The 16 value
specifies that the size of the object is always 16 pixels.
Sample: 50% indicates half of the parent, 25
indicates 25 pixels, or 50%-8
indicates 8-pixels left from the center of the
(String/Numeric expression)
| |
| |
exAnchorExt | 3
Specifies the object's alignment relative to its parent.
The valid values for
exAnchorExt are:
- 0 (none), the object is not anchored to
any side,
- 1 (left), the object is anchored
to left side of the parent,
- 2 (right), the
object is anchored to right side of the parent object,
- 3
(client), the object takes the full available area of the parent,
- 4
(top), the object is anchored to the top side of the parent object,
- 5
(bottom), the object is anchored to bottom side of the parent object
(Numeric expression)
| |
| |
exTextExt | 4
Specifies the HTML text to be displayed on the object.
The exTextExt supports the following built-in HTML tags:
<b> ... </b> displays the text in bold
<i> ... </i> displays the text in italics
<u> ... </u> underlines the text
<s> ... </s>
Strike-through text
<a id;options> ... </a> displays an anchor element that can be clicked. An anchor is a piece of text or some other object (for example an image) which
marks the beginning and/or the end of a hypertext link.The <a> element is used to mark that piece of text (or inline image), and to give its hypertextual relationship to other documents.
The control fires the AnchorClick(AnchorID, Options) event when the user clicks the anchor element. The FormatAnchor property customizes the visual effect for anchor elements.
The control supports expandable HTML captions feature which allows you to expand(show)/collapse(hide) different information using <a ;exp=> or <a ;e64=> anchor tags.
The exp/e64 field of the anchor stores the HTML line/lines to show once the user clicks/collapses/expands the caption.
- exp, stores the plain text to be shown once the user clicks the anchor, such as <a ;exp=show lines>
- e64, encodes in BASE64 the HTML text to be shown once the user clicks the anchor, such as <a ;e64=gA8ABmABnABjABvABshIAOQAEAAHAAGESikWio+ABzABohp3iELABpABuABljYAgRhAEaFsqAAvAEsjUCmUEg0IhUMhUPjQAAEBA>+</a> that displays show lines- in gray when the user clicks the + anchor. The gA8ABmABnABjABvABshIAOQAEAAHAAGESikWio+ABzABohp3iELABpABuABljYAgRhAEaFsqAAvAEsjUCmUEg0IhUMhUPjQAAEBA string encodes the <fgcolor 808080>show lines<a>-</a></fgcolor> The Decode64Text/Encode64Text methods of the eXPrint can be used to decode/encode e64 fields.
Any ex-HTML caption can be transformed to an expandable-caption, by inserting the anchor ex-HTML tag. For instance,
<solidline><b>Header</b></solidline><br>Line1<r><a ;exp=show lines>+</a><br>Line2<br>Line3 shows
the Header in underlined and bold on the first line and Line1, Line2, Line3 on the rest. The show lines is shown instead of Line1, Line2, Line3 once the user clicks the + sign.
<font face;size> ... </font> displays portions of text with a different font and/or different size. For instance, the <font Tahoma;12>bit</font>
draws the bit text using the Tahoma font, on size 12 pt. If the name of the font is missing, and instead size is present, the current font is used with a different size.
For instance, <font ;12>bit</font> displays the bit text using the current font, but with a different size.
<fgcolor rrggbb> ... </fgcolor> or <fgcolor=rrggbb> ... </fgcolor> displays text with a specified foreground color. The rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the color in hexa values.
<bgcolor rrggbb> ... </bgcolor> or <bgcolor=rrggbb> ... </bgcolor> displays text with a specified background color. The rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the color in hexa values.
<solidline rrggbb> ... </solidline> or <solidline=rrggbb> ... </solidline> draws a solid-line on the bottom side of the current text-line, of specified RGB color. The <solidline> ... </solidline> draws a black solid-line on the bottom side of the current text-line. The rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the color in hexa values.
<dotline rrggbb> ... </dotline> or <dotline=rrggbb> ... </dotline> draws a dot-line on the bottom side of the current text-line, of specified RGB color. The <dotline> ... </dotline> draws a black dot-line on the bottom side of the current text-line. The rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the color in hexa values.
<upline> ... </upline> draws the line on the top side of the current text-line (requires <solidline> or <dotline>).
<r> right aligns the text
<c> centers the text
<br> forces a line-break
<img>number[:width]</img> inserts an icon inside the text. The number indicates the index of the icon being inserted. Use the Images method to assign a list of icons to your
chart. The last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the number expression indicates the identifier of the skin being used to paint the object. Use the Add method to add new skins to the control.
If you need to remove the skin appearance from a part of the control you need to reset the last 7 bits in the high significant byte of the color being applied to the part. The width
is optional and indicates the width of the icon being inserted. Using the width option you can overwrite multiple icons getting a nice effect. By default, if the width field is missing, the width is 18 pixels.
<img>key[:width]</img> inserts a custom size picture into the text being previously loaded using the HTMLPicture property. The Key parameter indicates the key of the picture
being displayed. The Width parameter indicates a custom size, if you require to stretch the picture, else the original size of the picture is used.
& glyph characters as & ( & ), < ( < ), > ( > ), &qout; ( " ) and &#number;
( the character with specified code ), For instance, the € displays the EUR character. The & ampersand is only recognized as markup when it is followed
by a known letter or a #character and a digit. For instance if you want to display <b>bold</b> in HTML caption you can use <b>bold</b>
- <off offset> ... </off> defines the vertical offset to
display the text/element. The offset parameter defines the offset to display
the element. This tag is inheritable, so the offset is keep while the
associated </off> tag is found. You can use the <off offset>
HTML tag in combination with the <font face;size> to define a smaller
or a larger font to be displayed. For instance: Text with <font ;7><off
6>subscript displays the text such as: Text with subscript
The Text with <font ;7><off -6>superscript
displays the text such as: Text with subscript
- <gra rrggbb;mode;blend> ... </gra> defines a gradient text.
The text color or <fgcolor> defines the starting gradient color, while
the rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the ending color, 808080 if missing as
gray. The mode is a value between 0 and 4, 1 if missing, and blend could be 0 or 1, 0 if missing.
The <font> HTML tag can be used to define the height of the font. Any
of the rrggbb, mode or blend field may not be specified. The <gra>
with no fields, shows a vertical gradient color from the current text color
to gray (808080). For
instance the <font ;18><gra FFFFFF;1;1>gradient-center</gra></font>
generates the following picture:
- <out rrggbb;width> ... </out> shows the text with outlined characters,
where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the outline color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of
the outline, 1 if missing. The text color or <fgcolor> defines the
color to show the inside text. The <font> HTML tag can be used to
define the height of the font. For
instance the <font ;31><out 000000><fgcolor=FFFFFF>outlined</fgcolor></out></font>
generates the following picture:
- <sha rrggbb;width;offset> ... </sha> define a text with a shadow,
where rr/gg/bb represents the red/green/blue values of the shadow color, 808080 if missing as gray, width indicates the size of shadow, 4 if missing, and offset indicates the offset from the origin to display the text's shadow, 2 if missing.
The text color or <fgcolor> defines the color to show the inside text.
The <font> HTML tag can be used to define the height of the font.
instance the <font ;31><sha>shadow</sha></font>
generates the following picture:
<font ;31><sha 404040;5;0><fgcolor=FFFFFF>outline anti-aliasing</fgcolor></sha></font>
(String expression)
| |
| |
exTextExtWordWrap | 5
Specifies that the object is wrapping the text. The
exTextExt value specifies the HTML text to be displayed on the part of the EBN
object. This property has effect only if there is a text assigned to the part
using the exTextExt flag.
(Boolean expression)
| |
| |
exTextExtAlignment | 6
Indicates the alignment of the text on the object. The
exTextExt value specifies the HTML text to be displayed on the part of the EBN
object. This property has effect only if there is a text assigned to the part
using the exTextExt flag.
The valid values for
exTextExtAlignment are:
- 0, ( hexa 0x00,
Top-Left ), Text is vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned on the left.
- 1, ( hexa 0x01,
Top-Center ), Text is vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned at the
- 2, ( hexa 0x02,
Top-Right ), Text is vertically aligned at the top, and horizontally aligned on the right.
- 16, ( hexa 0x10,
Middle-Left ), Text is vertically aligned in the middle, and horizontally aligned on the left.
- 17, ( hexa 0x11,
Middle-Center ), Text is vertically aligned in the middle, and horizontally aligned at the center.
- 18, ( hexa 0x12,
Middle-Right ), Text is vertically aligned in the middle, and horizontally aligned on the right.
- 32, ( hexa 0x20,
Bottom-Left ), Text is vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned on the left.
- 33, ( hexa 0x21,
Bottom-Center ), Text is vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned at the center.
- 34, ( hexa 0x22,
Bottom-Right ), Text is vertically aligned at the bottom, and horizontally aligned on the right.
(Numeric expression)
| |
| |
exPatternExt | 7
Indicates the pattern to be shown on the object. The exPatternColorExt
specifies the color to show the pattern.
The valid values for
exPatternExt are:
- 0, ( hexa 0x000,
Empty ), The pattern is not visible
- 1, ( hexa 0x001,
Solid ),
- 2, ( hexa 0x002,
Dot ),
- 3, ( hexa 0x003,
Shadow ),
- 4, ( hexa 0x004,
NDot ),
- 5, ( hexa 0x005,
FDiagonal ),
- 6, ( hexa 0x006,
BDiagonal ),
- 7, ( hexa 0x007,
DiagCross ),
- 8, ( hexa 0x008,
Vertical ),
- 9, ( hexa 0x009,
Horizontal ),

- 10, ( hexa 0x00A,
Cross ),
- 11, ( hexa 0x00B,
Brick ),
- 12, ( hexa 0x00C,
Yard ),
- 256, ( hexa 0x100,
Frame ),
The exFrameColorExt specifies the color to show the frame. The Frame flag
can be combined with any other flags.
- 768, ( hexa 0x300,
FrameThick ),
The exFrameColorExt specifies the color to show the frame. The Frame flag
can be combined with any other flags.
(Numeric expression)
| |
| |
exPatternColorExt | 8
Indicates the color to show the pattern on the object. The exPatternColorExt
property has effect only if the exPatternExt property is not 0 ( empty ). The
exFrameColorExt specifies the color to show the frame ( the exPatternExt
property includes the exFrame or exFrameThick flag )
(Color expression)
| |
| |
exFrameColorExt | 9
Indicates the color to show the border-frame on the object. This property set
the Frame flag for exPatternExt property.
(Color expression)
| |
| |
exFrameThickExt | 10
Specifies that a thick-frame is shown around the object. This property set the
FrameThick flag for exPatternExt property.
(Boolean expression)
| |
| |
exUserDataExt | 11
Specifies an extra-data associated with the object.
(Variant expression)
| |