property NAVHostObject.Template as String
Executes the x-script code.

String A String expression that specifies the x-script/template code to be executed.
Use the Template/Item property to get/set properties / fields / parameters, invoke methods of the hosting /NET framework Value, using the x-script code. The Item property does exactly the same thing as Template call, excepts that it returns the TemplateResult property. For instance, using the Template/Item property you can change the hosting control's background color, add nodes, and so on. Prior to Template/Item call, you can invoke the SetTemplateDef to define values from your code to Template's code ( TemplateDef variables ).

The Template/x-script syntax in BNF notation is defined like follows:

<x-script> := <lines>
<lines> := <line>[<eol> <lines>] | <block>
<block> := <call> [<eol>] { [<eol>] <lines> [<eol>] } [<eol>]
<eol> := ";" | "\r\n"
<line> := <dim> | <createobject> | <call> | <set> | <comment>
<dim> := "DIM" <variables>
<variables> := <variable> [, <variables>]
<variable> := "ME" | <identifier>
<createobject> := "CREATEOBJECT(`"<type>"`)"
<call> := <variable> | <property> | <variable>"."<property> | <createobject>"."<property>
<property> := [<property>"."]<identifier>["("<parameters>")"]
<set> := <call> "=" <value>
<property> := <identifier> | <identifier>"("[<parameters>]")"
<parameters> := <value> [","<parameters>]
<value> := <boolean> | <number> | <color> | <date> | <string> | <createobject> | <call>
<boolean> := "TRUE" | "FALSE"
<number> := "0X"<hexa> | ["-"]<integer>["."<integer>]
<digit10> := 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<digit16> := <digit10> | A | B | C | D | E | F
<integer> := <digit10>[<integer>]
<hexa> := <digit16>[<hexa>]
<color> := "RGB("<integer>","<integer>","<integer>")"
<date> := "#"<integer>"/"<integer>"/"<integer>" "[<integer>":"<integer>":"<integer>"]"#"
<string> := '"'<text>'"' | "`"<text>"`"
<comment> := "'"<text>


<identifier> indicates an identifier of the variable, property or method, and should start with a letter.
<type> indicates the type the CreateObject function creates, as the assembly-qualified name of the type to create.
<text> any string of characters

The Template / x-script is composed by lines of instructions. Instructions are separated by "\r\n" ( new line characters ) or ";" character. The TemplateThrowError property specifies whether the control fires an exception/error when the Template call fails. The TemplateError / TemplateException gets the error if the Template calls fails. The TemplateResult property returns the result of the last instruction into a Template call, as a NAVObjectTemplate object.

An x-script instruction/line can be one of the following:


The x-script uses constant expressions as follows:

Also , the template or x-script code supports general functions as follows: