property NAVHostCtrl.Template as String
Executes x-script code.

String A String expression that specifies the x-script code to be executed.
The Caption property of any field ( whose ControlAddIn property value is 'Exontrol.NAVHost;PublicKeyToken=aaab53cf43a9de9d' ), supports x-script or template script. The Template/ x-script code is a simple way of calling control/object's properties, methods/ events using strings. Exontrol owns the x-script implementation in its easiest way and it does not require any VB engine to get executed. Our simple rule is using the component alone without any other dependency than the Windows system.

For instance Caption property on: 'Height=64;AssemblyQualifiedName = "System.Windows.Forms.TreeView, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089";Host.Item("Nodes.Add(`Root 1`)").Template = "Nodes{ Add(`Child 1`); Add(`Child 2`) }; Expand() }"' generates a result such as:

or in other words inserts a TreeView control with a root and two-child elements.

The Template/x-script syntax in BNF notation is defined like follows:

<x-script> := <lines>
<lines> := <line>[<eol> <lines>] | <block>
<block> := <call> [<eol>] { [<eol>] <lines> [<eol>] } [<eol>]
<eol> := ";" | "\r\n"
<line> := <dim> | <createobject> | <call> | <set> | <comment>
<dim> := "DIM" <variables>
<variables> := <variable> [, <variables>]
<variable> := "ME" | <identifier>
<createobject> := "CREATEOBJECT(`"<type>"`)"
<call> := <variable> | <property> | <variable>"."<property> | <createobject>"."<property>
<property> := [<property>"."]<identifier>["("<parameters>")"]
<set> := <call> "=" <value>
<property> := <identifier> | <identifier>"("[<parameters>]")"
<parameters> := <value> [","<parameters>]
<value> := <boolean> | <number> | <color> | <date> | <string> | <createobject> | <call>
<boolean> := "TRUE" | "FALSE"
<number> := "0X"<hexa> | ["-"]<integer>["."<integer>]
<digit10> := 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
<digit16> := <digit10> | A | B | C | D | E | F
<integer> := <digit10>[<integer>]
<hexa> := <digit16>[<hexa>]
<color> := "RGB("<integer>","<integer>","<integer>")"
<date> := "#"<integer>"/"<integer>"/"<integer>" "[<integer>":"<integer>":"<integer>"]"#"
<string> := '"'<text>'"' | "`"<text>"`"
<comment> := "'"<text>


<identifier> indicates an identifier of the variable, property or method, and should start with a letter.
<type> indicates the type the CreateObject function creates, as the assembly-qualified name of the type to create.
<text> any string of characters

The Template / x-script is composed by lines of instructions. Instructions are separated by "\r\n" ( new line characters ) or ";" character. The TemplateThrowError property specifies whether the control fires an exception/error when the Template call fails. The TemplateError / TemplateException gets the error if the Template calls fails. The TemplateResult property returns the result of the last instruction into a Template call, as a NAVObjectTemplate object.

An x-script instruction/line can be one of the following:


The x-script uses constant expressions as follows:

Also , the template or x-script code supports general functions as follows: