Exontrol’s new eXMLGrid control provides an innovative grid view look and handles data in XML fashion way. It provides swift and robust performance and a wide range of formatting features never seen on other grids. The eXMLGrid component can be seen as a generalized tree control that allows resizing the node's indentation at runtime.
Features include:
- Skinnable Interface support ( ability to apply a skin to any background part )
- Easy way to define the control's visual appearance in design mode, using XP-Theme elements or EBN objects
- Print and Print Preview support
- WYSWYG Template/Layout Editor support.
- Built-in LoadXML and SaveXML methods
- OLE Drag and Drop Support
- Any node supports Built-in HTML format
- Unlimited options to show any HTML text, images, colors, EBNs, patterns, frames anywhere on the
node's background
- Incremental Search support
- Filter-Prompt support, allows you to filter the nodes as you type while the filter bar is visible on the bottom part of the control
- Editors support: mask, drop down list, check box list, memo fields, spin, OLE Object viewer, color, buttons, sliders, progress bars and more
- ActiveX editors support
- ExpandBar support.
- Single or Multiple Selection support
- Semi-Transparent Selection support
- Muliple Lines HTML Tooltip support
- Picture support
- Mouse wheel support

® EXMLGrid is a trademark of Exontrol. All Rights Reserved.