method Items.Remove (Index as Long)
Removes a specific item.

Index as Long A long expression that indicates the index of the item.

Use the Remove method to remove a specific item. The Remove method updates the indexes of the items in the list. For instance, if you remove the item 0, the items 1, 2, 3, ... becomes the 0,1,2,... Use the RemoveAll method to clear the Items collection. The control fires the RemoveItem event before removing an item. Use the RemoveItem event to release any extra data associated to the item. The Remove method is not available if the control is running in the virtual mode. Use the BeginUpdate and EndUpdate methods to maintain performance while removing items. Use the CellState property to specify whether an item is checked or unchecked. Use the SelectedItem property to retrieve the index of selected item(s). The RemoveSelection method removes the selected items

The following VB sample removes all selected items:

With List1
    With .Items
        While .SelectCount > 0
            .Remove .SelectedItem(0)
    End With
End With

The following VB sample removes the checked items:

With List1
    With .Items
        Dim i As Long
        For i = .Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
            If .CellState(i, 0) Then
                .Remove i
            End If
    End With
End With

or you can use a sample like follows:

With List1
    With .Items
        Dim i As Long
        i = 0
        While i < .Count
            If (.CellState(i, 0)) Then
                .Remove (i)
                i = i + 1
            End If
    End With
End With

The following C++ sample removes the selected items:

#include "Items.h"

CItems items = m_list.GetItems();
while ( items.GetSelectCount() )

The following VFP sample removes the selected items:

with thisform.List1
	with .Items
		do while ( .SelectCount() > 0 )