Type | Description | |||
String | A String expression that defines the control's content in W3 HTML format. |
For instance:
In EXHML format is:
This is a bit of <off -4>text</off> that <off 4>can</off> be <fgcolor=FF0000>formatted</fgcolor>.<br><b>Select</fgcolor></b> a portion of text and <b><bgcolor=F0F0F0>right</bgcolor> - <bgcolor=D0D0D0>click</b></bgcolor> it to start formatting the selection.<br><i><r>Right - panels, show W3-HTML format in IE.
while in W3/standard HTML format is:
<div style="white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis;">
This is a bit of <span style="vertical-align:
4px;">text</span> that <span style="vertical-align:
-4px;">can</span> be <span style="color:
<b>Select</b> a portion of text and <b><span style="background:
#F0F0F0;">right</span> - <span style="background:
#D0D0D0;">click</span></b> it to start formatting the selection.<br/>
<span style="float: right;">
<i>Right - panels, show W3-HTML format in IE.</i>