property HTML.PositionToY (Position as Long)
as Long
Converts the cursor position to y-coordinate (line).
Position as Long
A long expression that specifies the position of the cursor inside the text, as
returned by XYToPositon, CursorPos
or ClientPos
A Long expression that specifies the y-coordinate (line).
The PositionToY property converts the cursor position to y-coordinate (line).
The PositionToX property converts the cursor position to x-coordinate (column).
The PositionToXY property converts the cursor position to
(x,y)-coordinates (column,line). The ClientPos property returns the position of the mouse pointer inside the text.
The CursorPos property returns or sets the position of the cursor inside the text.
SelStart returns or sets the starting point of text
selected. In other words, if no text is selected, The
SelStart and CursorPos indicates the position of the insertion point ( equivalent ).