property Grid.RedoListAction ([Action as Variant], [Count as Variant]) as String
Lists the Redo actions that can be performed in the control.

Action as Variant [optional] A long expression that specifies the action being listed. If missing or -1, all actions are listed. 

The Action parameter can be one of the following:

  • exListUndoRedoAddItem(13) ~ "AddItem;ITEMINDEX", indicates that a new item has been created
  • exListUndoRedoRemoveItem(14) ~ "RemoveItem;ITEMINDEX", indicates that an item has been removed
  • exListUndoRedoChangeItemPos(15) ~ "ChangeItemPos;ITEMINDEX", indicates that an item changes its position or / and parent
  • exListUndoRedoChangeCellValue(16) ~ "ChangeCellValue;ITEMINDEX;CELLINDEX", indicates that the cell's value has been changed
  • exListUndoRedoChangeCellState(17) ~ "ChangeCellState;ITEMINDEX;CELLINDEX", indicates that the cell's state has been changed

For instance, RedoListAction(13) shows only AddItem actions in the redo stack.

Count as Variant [optional] A long expression that indicates the number of actions being listed. If missing or -1, all actions are listed. For instance, RedoListAction(13,1) shows only the first AddItem action being added to the redo stack.
String A String expression that lists the Redo actions that may be performed.
The RedoListAction property lists the Redo actions that can be performed in the control. The URChange(exUndo/exRedo) event notifies your application whenever an Undo/Redo operation is performed. The UndoListAction property lists the actions that the user may perform by doing Undo operations. The CanRedo property specifies whether a redo operation can be performed if CTRL+Y key is pressed. Use the RedoRemoveAction method to remove the first action from the redo queue.

The records of the Undo/Redo queue may contain actions in the following format:

Also, the Undo/Redo queue may include:

Each action is on a single line, and each field is separated by ; character. The lines are separated by "\r\n" characters ( vbCrLf in VB ). 

Here's a sample format of the RedoListAction property may get:


The following VB sample splits the RedoListAction value and adds each action to a listbox control:

Dim s() As String
s = Split(Grid1.RedoListAction, vbCrLf)
For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
            List1.AddItem s(i)