method Editor.DropDown ()
Displays the drop down list.


The DropDown method shows the drop down portion of the cell's editor. The DropDown method has effect only if the editor has a drop down portion. The following editors have a drop down portion: DropDownType, DropDownListType, CheckListType, DateType, ColorType, FontType, PictureType, PickEditType, ColorListType, MemoDropDownType or CalculatorType. Use the AddItem, InsertItem method to add predefined value. Use the RemoveItem method to remove a predefined value. Use the DropDownVisible property to hide the drop down button, if it exists.

The following VB sample shows the drop down portion of an editor as soon as a cell is focused:

Private Sub Grid1_FocusChanged()
    With Grid1
        Dim i As Long
        i = .FocusColumnIndex
        With Grid1.Items
            If (.CellEditorVisible(.FocusItem, i)) Then
                Dim e As EXGRIDLibCtl.Editor
                Set e = Grid1.Columns(i).Editor
                If .HasCellEditor(.FocusItem, i) Then
                    Set e = .CellEditor(.FocusItem, i)
                End If
                If Not e Is Nothing Then
                End If
            End If
        End With
    End With
End Sub

The following C++ sample shows the drop down portion of an editor as soon as a cell is focused:

#include "Columns.h"
#include "Column.h"
#include "Editor.h"
#include "Items.h"
void OnFocusChangedGrid1() 
	if ( IsWindow( m_grid.m_hWnd ) ) 
		CItems items = m_grid.GetItems();
		COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing) = VT_ERROR;
		COleVariant vtFocusCell( items.GetItemCell( items.GetFocusItem(), COleVariant(m_grid.GetFocusColumnIndex())));
		if ( m_grid.GetSelectColumnInner() > 0 )
			vtFocusCell = items.GetInnerCell( vtMissing, vtFocusCell, COleVariant(m_grid.GetSelectColumnInner()));
		if ( items.GetCellEditorVisible( vtMissing, vtFocusCell ) )
			CEditor editor;
			if ( items.GetHasCellEditor( vtMissing, vtFocusCell ) )
				editor = items.GetCellEditor( vtMissing, vtFocusCell );
				CColumn column( m_grid.GetColumns().GetItem( COleVariant( m_grid.GetFocusColumnIndex() ) ) );
				editor = column.GetEditor();
			if ( editor.m_lpDispatch != NULL )

The following VB.NET sample shows the drop down portion of an editor as soon as a cell is focused:

Private Sub AxGrid1_FocusChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AxGrid1.FocusChanged
    With AxGrid1.Items
        Dim focusCell As Object = .ItemCell(.FocusItem, AxGrid1.FocusColumnIndex)
        If (AxGrid1.SelectColumnInner > 0) Then
            focusCell = .InnerCell(Nothing, focusCell, AxGrid1.SelectColumnInner)
        End If
        If (.CellEditorVisible(, focusCell)) Then
            Dim ed As EXGRIDLib.Editor = AxGrid1.Columns(AxGrid1.FocusColumnIndex).Editor
            If (.HasCellEditor(, focusCell)) Then
                ed = .CellEditor(, focusCell)
            End If
        End If
    End With
End Sub

The following C# sample shows the drop down portion of an editor as soon as a cell is focused:

private void axGrid1_FocusChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
	EXGRIDLib.Items items = axGrid1.Items;
	object focusCell = items.get_ItemCell(items.FocusItem, axGrid1.FocusColumnIndex);
	if ( axGrid1.SelectColumnInner > 0 )
		focusCell = items.get_InnerCell( null, focusCell, axGrid1.SelectColumnInner );
	if ( items.get_CellEditorVisible(null, focusCell ))
		EXGRIDLib.Editor editor = axGrid1.Columns[axGrid1.FocusColumnIndex].Editor;
		if ( items.get_HasCellEditor(null, focusCell ))
			editor = items.get_CellEditor(null, focusCell );
		if ( editor != null )

The following VFP sample shows the drop down portion of an editor as soon as a cell is focused:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***

with thisform.Grid1.Items
	local ed
	ed = thisform.Grid1.Columns(thisform.Grid1.FocusColumnIndex).Editor
	if ( .HasCellEditor(.FocusItem, thisform.Grid1.FocusColumnIndex) )
		ed = .CellEditor(.FocusItem, thisform.Grid1.FocusColumnIndex)