property Layer.UserData as Variant
Indicates any extra data associated with the layer.

Variant A Variant expression that indicates any extra data associated with the layer.
By default, UserData property is empty. Use the UserData property to associate any extra data to the layer. Use the DefaultLayer(exDefLayerUserData) property to specify the default value for the UserData property,  before adding any layer. Use the UserData of the DragInfo object to associate any extra data to the dragging operation. The Visible property shows or hides a specific layer (visible). The Position property specifies the position of the layer, in the layers collection. The Selectable property returns or sets a value that indicates whether the layer is selectable. The LayerFromPoint property retrieves the layer from point that's visible and selectable. The OnDrag property indicates the action to be performed when the user drags the layer ( dragable ).