property Layer.DefaultOffsetX as Long
Gets or sets a value that indicates the default x-offset of the layer.

Long A Long expression that defines the default x-offset of the layer.
By default, the DefaultOffsetX property is 0. The DefaultOffsetX property gets or sets a value that indicates the default x-offset of the layer. You can use the DefaultOffsetX / DefaultOffsetX properties to move the layer to a different position, which could be the initial position. Use the DefaultLayer(exDefLayerDefaultOffsetX) property to specify the default value for the DefaultOffsetX, before adding any layer. 

The following picture shows the position/size properties of the Layer, relative to the view / control:

The following properties determines the position / size / offset of the layer:

You can use the following properties to offset the view ( background + foreground ) inside the layer:

The following properties can be used to move / resize the picture on the layer's background: