property Gauge.Layers as Layers
Returns the Layers collection.

Layers A Layers collection of Layer objects.
The Layers property gives access to the control's Layers collection. Any layer can display unlimited opaque / transparent graphics, HTML text, can be visible, selectable, dragable and so on. Any layer can change its position in the layers collection as well. The Layer can change its brightness, contrast, grayscale or transparency as well. 

The following screen shot shows a control composed by two pictures: "Guage_Background.png" and "Guage_Needle.png" from the "C:\Program Files\Exontrol\ExGauge\Sample\Design\Circular\Guage" folder

The following picture shows how layers "background" and "needle" composes the control's view

The following properties can be used to add / remove layers within the control:

The following properties can be used to access Layer objects in the control: