ClipEllipse object
The ClipEllipse object holds information about an elliptical clip region.

For instance, having the following gauge:

an elliptical clip region over the background layer shows as:

The ClipEllipse supports the following properties and methods:

CenterXSpecifies the x-position / expression of the center of the clip, relative to the layer.
CenterYSpecifies the y-position / expression of the center of the clip, relative to the layer.
InverseClipIndicates whether the current clip object is inverted.
OffsetXSpecifies the x-offset expression / value of the clip, relative to the layer.
OffsetYSpecifies the y-offset expression / value of the clip, relative to the layer.
RadiusXSpecifies the x-radius value / expression of the clip, relative to the layer.
RadiusYSpecifies the y-radius value / expression of the clip, relative to the layer.