constants ShowExtendedLinksEnum
The ShowExtendedLinksEnum type specifies the way the control shows the links between bars in the chart area. The ShowLinks property specifies whether the links are shown or hidden. The ShowExtendedLinksEnum type supports the following values:

exHideLinks0 (False) Hides the links in the chart. No links are shown in the chart

exShowLinks-1 (True)  (By default ) Shows the links in the chart.

exShowExtendedLinks1 Shows the extended links in the chart. The extended links are shown when two or more links starts or ends on the same bar, so they will be shown distinctly, rather than showing them one over another. This flag can be combined with the exShowLinksFront, to bring the links in front, or to put over the bar, rather than behind bars. There are some situations when the links are required to be on the background, for instance, if using the ShowLinksColor property, which require changing the color of the bars based on the links of the selected bar.

exShowDefaultLinks2 Shows the default links in the chart. This value is identical with the exShowLinks, excepts that this can be combined with the exShowLinksFront, to bring the links in the front.

exShowLinksFront16 Shows the links on the front. This flag can be combined with exShowExtendedLinks flag.
exPreventOverlapMixt128 The exPreventOverlapMixt flag can be used together with exChangeColorOnOverlap, which indicates that the overlapping links alternately adjust their width in addition to changing colors. The OverlapLinksColors property defines the list of colors, separated by commas, used to display overlapping links.

exChangeColorOnOverlap512 The exChangeColorOnOverlap flag changes the color for links in areas where they overlap with other links, enhancing clarity and distinction between them. The OverlapLinksColors property defines the list of colors, separated by commas, used to display overlapping links. The exChangeColorOnOverlap flag can be used together with exPreventOverlapMixt, which indicates that the overlapping links alternately adjust their width in addition to changing colors.