method Items.CellValueToItemBar (Item as Variant, ColIndex as Variant, PropertyBar as ItemBarPropertyEnum, [BarKey as Variant])
Indicates whether the cell displays the specified property of the bar.

Item as Variant A long expression that indicates the item's handle.
ColIndex as Variant A long expression that indicates the cell's handle or the column's index, a string expression that indicates the column's caption or the column's key.  If the Item parameter is missing or it is zero ( 0 ), the ColIndex parameter is the handle of the cell being accessed.
PropertyBar as ItemBarPropertyEnum An ItemBarPropertyEnum expression that specifies the property of the bar being displayed. If -1, the cell has no bar associated, or in other words removes the association between a cell and a bar. Though, if the CellValueToItemBar is not called, the Def(exCellValueToItemBarProperty) property defines the property of the bar being displayed, if it is greater than 0
BarKey as Variant A VARIANT expression that specifies the key of the associated bar. If the CellValueToItemBar is not called, the Def(exCellValueToItemBarKey) property defines the key of the associated bar
The CellValueToItemBar method can be used to associate particular cells with bars in the items. The Def(exCellValueToItemBarProperty/exCellValueToItemBarKey) property of the Column object defines a relation/association between specified property bar and the cells in the column.  Once an association between a cell and a bar is made, the CellValue property and ItemBar property returns the same result, or in other words, changing the cell's value will be reflected in the bar's property, and back, so changing the bar's property will change the cell's value.