property Editor.DropDownAlignment as AlignmentEnum
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the item's alignment in the editor's drop-down list.

AlignmentEnum An AlignmentEnum expression that indicates the item's alignment into the editor's drop-down list.

Use the DropDownAlignment property to align the items in the editor's drop-down list. Use the Alignment property to align a column. Use the CellHAlignment property to align a cell. The property has effect only for the drop down type editors. 

The following VB sample aligns the predefined items to the right ( the editor is assigned to the column ):

With G2antt1
    .TreeColumnIndex = -1
    With .Columns.Add("CheckList")
    .Alignment = RightAlignment
        With .Editor
            .EditType = CheckListType
            .DropDownAlignment = RightAlignment
            .AddItem &H1, "ReadOnly", 1
            .AddItem &H2, "Hidden", 2
            .AddItem &H4, "System", 3
            .AddItem &H10, "Directory", 4
            .AddItem &H20, "Archive", 5
            .AddItem &H80, "Normal", 7
            .AddItem &H100, "Temporary", 8
        End With
    End With
    .Items.AddItem &H1 + &H2
End With

In the above sample, the TreeColumnIndex is set to -1, because the Alignment property is not applied for column that displays the hierarchy.

The following VB sample adds an editor that aligns its predefined items to the right:

With G2antt1.Items
    With .CellEditor(.FirstVisibleItem, 0)
        .DropDownAlignment = RightAlignment
        .EditType = DropDownListType
        .AddItem 0, "No border"
        .AddItem 1, "Single Border"
        .AddItem 2, "Double Border"
    End With
End With

The following C++ sample adds an editor that aligns its predefined items to the right:

#include "Items.h"
#include "Editor.h"
COleVariant vtMissing; V_VT( &vtMissing) = VT_ERROR;
CItems items = m_g2antt.GetItems();
CEditor editor = items.GetCellEditor( COleVariant( items.GetFirstVisibleItem() ), COleVariant( long(0) ) );
editor.SetEditType( 3 /*DropDownList*/ );
editor.SetDropDownAlignment( 2 /*RightAlignment*/ );
editor.AddItem( 0, "No border", vtMissing );
editor.AddItem( 1, "Single border", vtMissing );
editor.AddItem( 2, "Double border", vtMissing );

The following VB.NET sample adds an editor that aligns its predefined items to the right:

With AxG2antt1.Items
    With .CellEditor(.FirstVisibleItem, 0)
        .DropDownAlignment = EXG2ANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment
        .EditType = EXG2ANTTLib.EditTypeEnum.DropDownListType
        .AddItem(0, "No border")
        .AddItem(1, "Single Border")
        .AddItem(2, "Double Border")
    End With
End With

The following C# sample adds an editor that aligns its predefined items to the right:

EXG2ANTTLib.Items items = axG2antt1.Items;
EXG2ANTTLib.Editor editor = items.get_CellEditor(items.FirstVisibleItem, 0);
editor.EditType = EXG2ANTTLib.EditTypeEnum.DropDownListType ;
editor.DropDownAlignment = EXG2ANTTLib.AlignmentEnum.RightAlignment;
editor.AddItem(0, "No border", null);
editor.AddItem(1, "Single border", null);
editor.AddItem(2, "Double border", null);

The following VFP sample adds an editor that aligns its predefined items to the right:

with thisform.G2antt1.Items
	With .CellEditor(.FirstVisibleItem, 0) 
		.EditType = 3 && DropDownList
		.DropDownAlignment = 2 && RightAlignment
        .AddItem(0, "No border")
        .AddItem(1, "Single Border")
        .AddItem(2, "Double Border")