property Edit.MarkContinueBlocks as Boolean
Marks continuously the blocks.

Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the blocks are continuously marked on the control's vertical scroll bar
Use the MarkContinueBlocks property to mark the whole block on the control's vertical scroll bar. By default, the property MarkContinueBlocks property is False. The MarkContinueBlocks property has effect only if the AllowMark property is True, and the control contains expressions added using the MarkColor property. Use the AddExpression method to add new expressions to the control. Use the Refresh method to refresh the control's visible area, when adding expressions on the fly.

The following VB sample adds blocks ( the block starts with /* and ends with /* ) on the control's vertical scroll bar:

With Edit1
    .AllowMark = True
    .MarkContinueBlocks = True
    .AddExpression "<fgcolor=008000>/*</fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000> </fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000>*/</fgcolor>", True
    .MarkColor("/*") = RGB(0, 255, 0)
    .MarkColor("*/") = RGB(0, 128, 0)
End With

The following C++ sample adds blocks ( the block starts with /* and ends with /* ) on the control's vertical scroll bar:

COleVariant vtMissing; vtMissing.vt = VT_ERROR;
m_edit.SetAllowMark( TRUE );
m_edit.SetMarkContinueBlocks( TRUE );
m_edit.AddExpression("<fgcolor=008000>/*</fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000> </fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000>*/</fgcolor>", COleVariant( VARIANT_TRUE ), vtMissing );
m_edit.SetMarkColor("/*", RGB(0, 255, 0) );
m_edit.SetMarkColor("*/", RGB(0, 128, 0) );

The following VB.NET sample adds blocks ( the block starts with /* and ends with /* ) on the control's vertical scroll bar:

With AxEdit1
    .AllowMark = True
    .MarkContinueBlocks = True
    .AddExpression("<fgcolor=008000>/*</fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000> </fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000>*/</fgcolor>", True, Nothing)
    .set_MarkColor("/*", ToUInt32(Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0)))
    .set_MarkColor("*/", ToUInt32(Color.FromArgb(0, 128, 0)))
End With

where the ToUInt32 function converts the Color expression to OLE_COLOR expression

Shared Function ToUInt32(ByVal c As Color) As UInt32
    Dim i As Long
    i = c.R
    i = i + 256 * c.G
    i = i + 256 * 256 * c.B
    ToUInt32 = Convert.ToUInt32(i)
End Function

The following C# sample adds blocks ( the block starts with /* and ends with /* ) on the control's vertical scroll bar:

axEdit1.AllowMark = true;
axEdit1.MarkContinueBlocks = true;
axEdit1.AddExpression("<fgcolor=008000>/*</fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000> </fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000>*/</fgcolor>", true, null);
axEdit1.set_MarkColor("/*", ToUInt32(Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 0)));
axEdit1.set_MarkColor("*/", ToUInt32(Color.FromArgb(0, 128, 0)));

where the ToUInt32 function converts the Color expression to OLE_COLOR expression

private UInt32 ToUInt32(Color c)
	long i;
	i = c.R;
	i = i + 256 * c.G;
	i = i + 256 * 256 * c.B;
	return Convert.ToUInt32(i);

The following VFP sample adds blocks ( the block starts with /* and ends with /* ) on the control's vertical scroll bar:

With thisform.Edit1.Object
	.AllowMark = .t.
    .MarkContinueBlocks = .t.
    .AddExpression("<fgcolor=008000>/*</fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000> </fgcolor>", "<fgcolor=008000>*/</fgcolor>", .t.)
	.MarkColor("/*") = RGB(0, 255, 0)
	.MarkColor("*/") = RGB(0, 128, 0)