property ExContextMenu.ShowCheckedAsSelectedTransparency as Long
Specifies the transparency ( percent ) to show the checked items when selected.

Long A Long expression that specifies the transparency ( percent ) to show the checked items when selected. The valid values are from 0 ( opaque ), to 100 ( fully transparent ).
By default, the ShowCheckedAsSelectedTransparency property is 50 ( semi-transparent ) The ShowCheckedAsSelectedTransparency property specifies the transparency ( percent ) to show the checked items when selected. Use the ShowCheckedAsSelected property on non zero, to show the checked items as selected. A checked item is an item with the Check or Radio property set on True and the Checked property is True. The SelBackColor property indicates the color to show background of the selected / highlighted item. The AllowToggleRadio property on True, allows a radio button to set on zero ( unchecked ), if the user clicks twice the radio button. The ShowCheckedAsSelected property of the Item object specifies whether the individual checked item is shown as selected.

The following screen shot shows the control when the ShowCheckedAsSelected property is exDisplayItemCheckDefault( by default ):

The following screen shot shows the control when the ShowCheckedAsSelected property is exDisplayItemCheckHighlight: