Type | Description | |||
Long | A long expression that indicates the control label's height, in pixels. |
The LabelHeight property sets the height of the control's label in pixels, with a default value of 21 pixels. It can be used to adjust the label's height. When the control's Style is set to DropDownList or DropDown, the control's height in design mode is ignored, and the label height is determined by the LabelHeight property. Use the HeaderHeight property to specify the height of the control's header bar. Use the HeigthList and MinHeightList properties to specify at runtime the height and the minimum height of the drop down portion of the control. The control's label area display the control's drop down button. Use the SingleEdit property to specify whether a single or multiple columns are displayed on the control's label area. The LabelColumnIndex property specifies a different column (index) to be displayed on the control's label, while the SingleEdit property is True.