property Calendar.FocusDate as Date
Retrieves or sets the focused date

Date A DATE expression that indicates the date being focused.
Use the FocusDate property to get the date that has the focus. Use the SingleSel property to specify whether the control supports single or multiple selection. Use the HideSelection property to specify whether the selection is hidden when the control loses the focus. Use the FocusDate property to select a new date, if the control's SingleSel property is True. The control fires the FocusChanged event when a new date is focused. If the control's SingleSel property is False or the date that has the focus is disabled, the control draws a focus rectangle around the date. Use the Disabled property to disable a date. Use the SelDate and SelCount properties to retrieve or sets the collection of selected dates. If the new focused date requires browsing a new date, the control fires the DateChanged event.