property ExShellView.ShellFolder (Path as Variant) as ExShellFolder
Retrieves a Folder object based on a path, on a special folder constant or on an ID property.

Path as Variant A string expression that represents a path of folder whose IShellFolder is needed.
ExShellFolder An ExShellFolder object being created based on the path.

This property is mostly used for creating ExShellView's ExShellFolder. All of ExShellView's browsing strategy is based on such objects. Since we're dealing with the objects here, it is not enough just to specify Path to be set for browsing. This property helps us to generate appropriate object based on a given path. The SpecialFolder property indicates a common folder in your Windows.

Therefore, instead of doing something like this

   ExShellView1.Path = "C:\WINDOWS" ' Bad!

you should write this line

   ExShellView1.BrowseFolder = ExShellView1.ShellFolder("C:\WINDOWS")

so, ShellFolder property created ExShellFolder object for us based on a path, and we used that object to set new folder using BrowseFolder property