property ExShellView.BrowseFiles as Variant
Specifies a list of files ( separated by | character ) to be displayed in the shell view.

Variant The parameter could be one of the following:
  • A String expression that indicates the list of files to be shown in the shell view. The list of files is separated by | character. You can specify existing files or non-existing files. If the file exists its view is based on its content, while if the file is not-existing, the extension of the file specifies what icon is displayed in the view. Each existing file can display a different icon, if specifying a different extension after the > character. Each file can have a different extension, by adding > extension to the name of the file, such as "C:\exontrol\images\auction.gif>PNG" which will show the auction item with the PNG associated icon.  The "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\vfp9.exe|C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" shows the VFP9 and DEVENV tools in the same view
  • A Safe array of files to be shown on the shell view. Each file can have a different extension, by adding > extension to the name of the file. For instance, the Array("document.doc", "text.txt", "executable.exe") displays a three items
The BrowseFiles property displays files from different folders in the same view. The ViewMode property specifies the current's view mode. The Objects.Get(AllItems) property to get the collection of files/folders being shown in the shell view. The Objects.Get(SelectedItems) property to get a collection of selected files/folders. The ObjectSelected event notifies your application that a new items in the list is selected. The HeaderVisible property specifies whether the shell view shows or hides the control's header. The DrawGridLines property indicates whether the control shows or hides the grid lines around the items. The BrowseFolder property specifies the folder to be shown on the shell view.

The following VB sample shows files giving a safe array:

With ExShellView1
    .ViewMode = Thumbnail
    .BrowseFiles = Array("A.txt", "B.txt", "C.txt")
End With

The following VB sample shows the files giving a string:

With ExShellView1
    .ViewMode = Thumbnail
    .BrowseFiles = "A.txt|B.txt|C.txt"
End With