constants IncrementalSearchEnum
"In computing, incremental search, incremental find or real-time suggestions is a user interface interaction method to progressively search for and filter through text. As the user types text, one or more possible matches for the text are found and immediately presented to the user. ". The IncrementalSearchEnum type specifies how the control performs the incremental searching while user types characters.  The PopupIncrementalSearch property the control's incremental search type.

exNoIncrementalSearch0 No incremental search is performed, when the user types characters.
exISearchStartWith1 Specifies that the control looks for objects that starts with typed characters, with highlighting the found result.
exISearchContains2 Specifies that the control looks for objects that contains typed characters, with highlighting the found result.
exISearchFilterFor16 The control displays just the items that match the typed characters.