constants ShortcutKeyAlignEnum
The ShortcutKeyAlignEnum type defines different type of alignments. The ShortcutKeyAlignH / ShortcutKeyAlignV property defines the alignment of the UI shortcut keys relative to the item that displays it. The ShortcutKeyAlignEnum type supports the following values:

exShortcutKeyUpperLeft0 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to upper-left point of the item.
exShortcutKeyUpperCenter1 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to upper-point point of the item.
exShortcutKeyUpperRight2 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to upper-right point of the item.
exShortcutKeyMiddleLeft16 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to middle-left point of the item.
exShortcutKeyMiddleCenter17 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to middle-center point of the item.
exShortcutKeyMiddleRight18 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to middle-right point of the item.
exShortcutKeyLowerLeft32 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to lower-left point of the item.
exShortcutKeyLowerCenter33 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to lower-center point of the item.
exShortcutKeyLowerRight34 Aligns the shortcut keys relative to lower-right point of the item.