property PropertiesList.MarkLineColor as Color

Retrieves or sets a value that indicates the color of lines that splits the categories.

Color A color expression that indicates the color of lines that splits the categories.

Use the MarkLineColor property to specify the color of lines that splits the categories. Use the MarkLineColor property has effect only if the MarkCategories property is True and ShowCategories is True.

The following sample shows how to split the categories using the MarkLineColor and MarkCategories properties:

With PropertiesList1
        .HasGridLines = False
        .DescriptionVisible = False
        .ShowCategories = True
        .LinkCategories = False
        .MarkCategories = True
        .MarkLineColor = vbBlack
        ' Adds a category
        .Add "Appearance", "", ReadOnly
        ' Adds items to 'Appearance' category
        With .Add("Border", 0, EditEnum, , "Appearance")
            .AddValue 0, "0 - None"
            .AddValue 1, "1 - Fixed"
        End With
        .Add "Width", 64, Edit, , "Appearance"
        .Add "Height", 64, Edit, , "Appearance"
        .ExpandItem("Appearance") = True
        ' Adds a category
        .Add "Misc", "", ReadOnly
        ' Adds items to 'Misc' category
        .Add "ControlBox", True, EditBoolean, , "Misc"
        .Add "KeyPreview", False, EditBoolean, , "Misc"
End With