property PropertiesList.AllowSpy as Boolean
Specifies whether the control can spy other UI components or parts of them.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the control can spy other COM objects.
By default, the AllowSpy property is False. Use the AllowSpy property on True, to allow the user to browse other /COM objects at runtime by drag and drop. If the AllowSpy property is True, the control displays a spying cursor in the lower right part of the control as shown in the bellow picture. The user clicks the spy icon, the spying cursor shows up, and so it can be dragged to the object that needs to be browsed. The most part of our /COM UI components like: eXG2antt, eXGantt, eXGrid, eXTree, eXList, eXComboBox, eXPropertiesList, eXFileView, eXCalc, ... can be spied. When you do spying the component, the browser finds parts of the control that can be browsed by showing a rectangle arround the UI object. Once the user releases the button of the mouse, the properties of the object are being loaded in the current browser, and so you can change the properties of the objects at runtime.