event AddItem (Item as Item)
Occurs when a new item is added to a group.

Item as Item An Item object that's added to Group items collection.

Use the AddItem event to notify your application that a new Item was added to Group. Use the Group property to get the owner group of the item. The AddItem method fires the AddItem event each time when a new item is added to items of the Group. Use the Add method to add new groups to the control. 

Syntax for AddItem event, /NET version, on:

private void AddItem(object sender,exontrol.EXPLORERBARLib.Item Item)

Private Sub AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object,ByVal Item As exontrol.EXPLORERBARLib.Item) Handles AddItem
End Sub

Syntax for AddItem event, /COM version, on:

private void AddItem(object sender, AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_AddItemEvent e)

void OnAddItem(LPDISPATCH Item)

void __fastcall AddItem(TObject *Sender,Explorerbarlib_tlb::IItem *Item)

procedure AddItem(ASender: TObject; Item : IItem);

procedure AddItem(sender: System.Object; e: AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_AddItemEvent);

begin event AddItem(oleobject Item)
end event AddItem

Private Sub AddItem(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AddItem
End Sub

Private Sub AddItem(ByVal Item As EXPLORERBARLibCtl.IItem)
End Sub

Private Sub AddItem(ByVal Item As Object)
End Sub


PROCEDURE OnAddItem(oExplorerBar,Item)

Syntax for AddItem event, /COM version (others), on:

<SCRIPT EVENT="AddItem(Item)" LANGUAGE="JScript">

Function AddItem(Item)
End Function

Procedure OnComAddItem Variant llItem
	Forward Send OnComAddItem llItem

METHOD OCX_AddItem(Item) CLASS MainDialog

void onEvent_AddItem(COM _Item)

function AddItem as v (Item as OLE::Exontrol.ExplorerBar.1::IItem)
end function

function nativeObject_AddItem(Item)

The following VB sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

Private Sub ExplorerBar1_AddItem(ByVal Item As EXPLORERBARLibCtl.IItem)
    With Item
        If (.Group.Index = 0) Then
            .Alignment = exRight
        End If
    End With
End Sub

The following C++ sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

void OnAddItemExplorerbar1(LPDISPATCH Item) 
	CItem item( Item ); item.m_bAutoRelease = FALSE;
	if ( item.GetGroup().GetIndex() == 0 )
		item.SetAlignment( 2 /*exRight*/ );

The following VB.NET sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

Private Sub AxExplorerBar1_AddItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_AddItemEvent) Handles AxExplorerBar1.AddItem
    With e.item
        If (.Group.Index = 0) Then
            .Alignment = EXPLORERBARLib.AlignmentEnum.exRight
        End If
    End With
End Sub

The following C# sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

private void axExplorerBar1_AddItem(object sender, AxEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_AddItemEvent e)
	if (e.item.Group.Index == 0)
		e.item.Alignment = EXPLORERBARLib.AlignmentEnum.exRight;

The following VFP sample changes the item's alignment when a new items is added to the first group:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***

with item
	If (.Group.Index = 0) Then
		.Alignment = 2 && exRight