property ExplorerBar.ScrollToolTip as String
Specifies the tooltip being shown when the user moves the scroll box.

String A string expression being shown when the user clicks and moves the scrollbar's thumb.
Use the ScrollToolTip property to specify whether the control displays a tooltip when the user clicks and moves the scrollbar's thumb. By default, the ScrollToolTip property is empty. If the ScrollToolTip property is empty, the tooltip is not shown when the user clicks and moves the thumb of the scroll bar. Use the SortPartVisible property to specify the parts being visible in the control's scroll bar.

The following VB sample displays a tooltip when the user clicks and moves the thumb in the control's scroll bar:

Private Sub ExplorerBar1_OffsetChanged(ByVal Horizontal As Boolean, ByVal NewVal As Long)
    If (Not Horizontal) Then
        ExplorerBar1.ScrollToolTip(exVScroll) = "Record " & NewVal
    End If
End Sub

The following VB.NET sample displays a tooltip when the user clicks and moves the thumb in the control's scroll bar:

Private Sub AxExplorerBar1_OffsetChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As AxEXEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_OffsetChangedEvent) Handles AxExplorerBar1.OffsetChanged
    If (Not e.horizontal) Then
        AxExplorerBar1.set_ScrollToolTip(EXEXPLORERBARLib.ScrollBarEnum.exVScroll, "Record " & e.newVal.ToString())
    End If
End Sub

The following C++ sample displays a tooltip when the user clicks and moves the thumb in the control's scroll bar:

void OnOffsetChangedExplorerBar1(BOOL Horizontal, long NewVal) 
	if ( !Horizontal )
		CString strFormat;
		strFormat.Format( _T("%i"), NewVal );
		m_explorerbar.SetScrollToolTip( 0, strFormat );

The following C# sample displays a tooltip when the user clicks and moves the thumb in the control's scroll bar:

private void axExplorerBar1_OffsetChanged(object sender, AxEXEXPLORERBARLib._IExplorerBarEvents_OffsetChangedEvent e)
    if ( !e.horizontal )
        axExplorerBar1.set_ScrollToolTip(EXEXPLORERBARLib.ScrollBarEnum.exVScroll, "Record " + e.newVal.ToString());

The following VFP sample displays a tooltip when the user clicks and moves the thumb in the control's scroll bar:

*** ActiveX Control Event ***
LPARAMETERS horizontal, newval

If (1 # horizontal) Then
    thisform.ExplorerBar1.ScrollToolTip(0) = "Record " + ltrim(str(newval))