property Article.XOver as XOver
Returns information from the overview database for the article.

XOver An XOver expression that indicates the information from the overview database for the article.
The RFC 2980 describes the XOVER command. Use the XOverFields property to get the list of XOVER fields supported. Use the Supported property to check whether the overview information of the article is available.  Use the Field property to get a specified field from the article.

The following sample displays the all overview fields available for the first article in the "vb.general" news group:

Dim n As New EXNNTPLibCtl.NNTP

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim g As EXNNTPLibCtl.Group, x As EXNNTPLibCtl.XOver
    n.Connect ""
    Set g = n.Group("vb.general")
    Dim s() As String
    s = Split(n.XOverFields, vbCrLf)
    Set x = g.Articles.Item(g.Articles.First).XOver
    For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
        Debug.Print "'" & s(i) & "' = " & x.Field(s(i))
End Sub