property ExMenu.SepAcc as String
Specifies a string expression that splits the caption and accelerator key in the item.

String A string expression that indicates the string being used to delimitate the caption and accelerator in the item's caption. 

By default, the SepAcc property is '     ' ( 5 space characters ). If the item's Caption contains a string defined by the SepAcc property it delimits the left side of the caption, and the right side of the caption. For instance, if you need to display the File caption on the left side of the item, and CTRL+F in the right side of the item, you need to declare an item's caption like: "File     CTRL+F". As you can see there are about 5 spaces between 'File' and 'CTRL+F' strings. When the item is displayed, the File caption will be aligned to the left side of the item, since the 'CTRL+F' string will be aligned to right side of the item. Use the Picture property to load a picture on the popup menu.