property MaskEdit.Invalid as String
Indicates the html-tooltip message to be shown when the user enters an invalid value.

String A String expression that defines the built-in HTML tooltip to be shown at cursor position when user enters any invalid character.
By default, the Invalid property is "".  Use the Invalid property to specify a HTML tooltip to keep the control focused while the user enters an inappropriate value for the field.  The Invalid property has no effect if the property is empty or the control is not masked. Use the Warning property to specify a HTML tooltip to be shown at the cursor position when user enters an invalid character.  Use the AllowBeep property to let control beeps once the user enters any invalid character. The Invalid property indicates the html message to be displayed when the user enters an inappropriate value for the field. If the value is missing or empty, the option has no effect, so no validation is performed. If the value is a not-empty value, the validation is performed. If the value is single space, no message is displayed and the field is keep opened while the value is inappropriate. For instance, "!(999) 000 0000;;;invalid=The value you entered isn't appropriate for the input mask <b>'<%mask%>'</b> specified for this field." displays the "The value you entered isn't appropriate for the input mask '...' specified for this field." tooltip once the user leaves the field and it is not-valid ( for instance, the field includes entities required and uncompleted ). The <%mask%> keyword in value, substitute the current mask of the field, while the <%value%> keyword substitutes the current value ( including the literals ). If this option should display/use the semicolon (;) character is should be \; ( escape ). This option can be combined with AllowEmptyValue or ValidateAs property.

The following screen shot shows the Warning once the user enters an invalid character:

The control uses built-in HTML tags to display the caption using HTML format. The control supports the following HTML tags: