property ExFileView.Option(Option as OptionEnum) as Variant
Retrieves or sets a value that indicates an option for the control.

Option as OptionEnum A long expression that indicates the option of the control being changed.
Variant A Variant expression that indicates the value for the option being changed. The type of the Variant is based on the Option being changed.  
Use the Option property to change a particular option for the control. Please check the OptionEnum enumeration for the options that can be changed. Use the Refresh method to refresh the control's content.

For instance, you can change the format of date being displayed on the 'Modified' column using a VB sample like follows:

With ExFileView1
    .Option(exModifiedDateFormat) = "ddd, MMM dd yy "
    .Option(exModifiedTimeFormat) = "HH:mm:ss"
End With

The sample displays the date like: "Thu, Oct 9 04"

The following C++ sample changes the format of date being displayed ib the "Modified" column:

m_fileview.SetOption( 2, COleVariant( "ddd, MMM dd yy " ) );
m_fileview.SetOption( 3, COleVariant( "HH:mm:ss" ) );

The following VB.NET sample changes the format of date being displayed ib the "Modified" column:

With AxExFileView1
    .set_Option(EXFILEVIEWLib.OptionEnum.exModifiedDateFormat, "ddd, MMM dd yy")
    .set_Option(EXFILEVIEWLib.OptionEnum.exModifiedTimeFormat, "HH:mm:ss")
End With

The following C# sample changes the format of date being displayed ib the "Modified" column:

axExFileView1.set_Option(EXFILEVIEWLib.OptionEnum.exModifiedDateFormat, "ddd, MMM dd yy ");
axExFileView1.set_Option(EXFILEVIEWLib.OptionEnum.exModifiedTimeFormat, "HH:mm:ss");

The following VFP sample changes the format of date being displayed ib the "Modified" column:

With thisform.ExFileView1
    .Option(2) = "ddd, MMM dd yy "	&& exModifiedDateFormat
    .Option(3) = "HH:mm:ss"			&& exModifiedTimeFormat