method ExFileView.Expand (Folder as String)
Expands and selects a folder giving its path.

Folder as String A string expression that indicates the name of the folder being expanded,  the relative path of the folder being expanded, or the absolute path of the folder being expanded. If the Folder parameter is "*", all visible folders are recursively expanded, equivalent of expand all.
Use the Expand method to expand and select a folder giving its path. The absolute path starts with the letter drive ( like c:\ ). Any path is separated by the /  character. The Expand method retrieves no error if it is not able to find the folder. If a relative or absolute path is giving, the control expands all found folders. Use the ExpandFolders property to assign a + sign to folders that includes sub folders. Use the ExpandOnDblClk property to expand or collapse a folder when user double clicks the folder. Use the ExploreFromHere property specifies the root folder for the control. Use the Get method to retrieve the collection of selected items.

The following VB sample expands the "winnt\system32"  ( relative path ) folder:

With ExFileView1
    .ExpandFolders = True
    .HasLinesAtRoot = True
    .Expand "WINNT\system32"
End With

The following VB sample expands the "c:\winnt" ( absolute path ) folder when the control is browsing the 'Desktop':

With ExFileView1
    .ExpandFolders = True
    .ExploreFromHere = "::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
    .Expand "C:\WINNT"
End With

The following C++ sample expands the "c:\winnt" folder:

m_fileview.SetExpandFolders( TRUE );
m_fileview.SetExploreFromHere( "::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}" );
m_fileview.Expand( "c:\\winnt" );

The following VB.NET sample expands the "c:\winnt" folder:

With AxExFileView1
    .ExpandFolders = True
    .ExploreFromHere = "::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"
End With

The following C# sample expands the "c:\winnt" folder:

axExFileView1.ExpandFolders = true;
axExFileView1.ExploreFromHere = "::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}";

The following VFP sample expands the "c:\winnt" folder:

With thisform.ExFileView1
    .ExpandFolders = .t.
    .ExploreFromHere = "::{00021400-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"