property ExFileView.ColumnVisible(ColumnName as String) as Boolean

Retrieves or sets a value that indicates whether the column is visible or hidden.

ColumnName as String A String expression that indicates the columns name. The following values are valid: 'Name', 'Size', 'Type'and 'Modified'.
Boolean A boolean expression that indicates whether the column is visible or hidden.

Use the ColumnVisible property to hide a column. Use the ColumnWidth property to change the column's width. By default, the "Name", "Size", "Type" and "Modified" columns are visible. Use the HeaderVisible property to hide the control's header bar. Use the BackColorHeader property to specify the background color for the control's header bar. Use the ForeColorHeader property to specify the foreground color for the control's header bar. You can use the ColumnsVisible property to show/hide multiple columns at once.

The following VB sample hides the 'Size' column:

ExFileView1.ColumnVisible("Size") = False

The following C++ sample hides the 'Size' column:

m_fileview.SetColumnVisible( "Size", FALSE );

The following VB.NET sample hides the 'Size' column:

AxExFileView1.set_ColumnVisible("Size", False)

The following C# sample hides the 'Size' column:

axExFileView1.set_ColumnVisible("Name", False);

The following VFP sample hides the 'Size' column:

with thisform.FileView1
   .Object.ColumnVisible("Size") = .f.