property Results.Item (key as Long) as Result
Returns an item within the collection. The key is the index of the item.

key as Long A long expression that indicates the index of the result in the Results collection.
Result A Result object being accessed. 

Use the Item property to access a Result object. Use the Execute method to get a Results collection. The Item property is the default property for the Results object so the following statements are equivalents:




The following sample displays all dictionaries where we can found a definition for the "chart" expression:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim c As EXDICTCLIENTLibCtl.Connection
    Set c = Client1.OpenConnection("")
    If Not (c Is Nothing) Then
        With c.CreateQuery("chart")
            Dim r As EXDICTCLIENTLibCtl.IResult
            For Each r In .Execute
                Debug.Print " The '" & r.Word & "' found on '" & r.Dictionary.Name & "'."
        End With
    End If
    Set c = Nothing
End Sub