property Result.Dictionary as Dictionary
Dictionary from which the word definition was retrieved.

Dictionary A Dictionary object that holds information about a dictionary. 

The Dictionary property retrieves the dictionary where the definition is found. Use the Dictionaries property to get the list of available dictionaries on the server.

The following sample displays the dictionaries where the "dog" expression is found:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim c As EXDICTCLIENTLibCtl.Connection
    Set c = Client1.OpenConnection("")
    If Not (c Is Nothing) Then
        With c.CreateQuery("dog")
            Dim r As EXDICTCLIENTLibCtl.IResult
            For Each r In .Execute
                Debug.Print " The '" & r.Word & "' found on '" & r.Dictionary.Name & "'."
        End With
    End If
    Set c = Nothing
End Sub

The sample displays the results in the output window like follows:

The 'dog' found on 'web1913'.
The 'Dog' found on 'web1913'.
The 'dog' found on 'wn'.
The 'Dog' found on 'easton'.
The 'DOG' found on 'devils'.