method LineStream.ReadLine ()
Reads a line of text from stream.

StringA string expression that indicates the line.
Use the ReadLine method to get the answer of the server line by line, after sending a custom command. Use the WriteLine property to send custom commands to the server. Use the LineStream property to access the LineStream object. 

The following sample sends the "show db" command to the server, and gets the results:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim c As EXDICTCLIENTLibCtl.Connection
    Set c = Client1.OpenConnection("")
    If Not (c Is Nothing) Then
        With c.LineStream
            .WriteLine "show db"
            Dim bContinue As Boolean
            bContinue = True
            While bContinue
                Dim s As String
                s = .ReadLine
                If (s = ".") Then
                    bContinue = False
                End If
                Debug.Print s
        End With
    End If
    Set c = Nothing
End Sub

The sample sends the "show db" command to the server and gets the answer that server sends to the command, line by line until the server sends the '.' line. The "show db" command displays the list of currently accessible databases, one per line.