property View.SortBarCaption as String
Specifies the caption being displayed on the control's sort bar when the sort bar contains no columns.

String A String expression that indicates the caption of the control's sort bar. 
The SortBarCaption property specifies the caption of the control's sort bar, when it contains no sorted columns. Use the SortBarVisible property to show the control's sort bar. Use the BackColorSortBar, BackColorSortBarCaption and ForeColorSortBar properties to specify colors for the control's sort bar. Use the SortBarHeight property to specify the height of the control's sort bar. Use the SortBarColumnWidth property to specify the width of the column in the control's sort bar. By default, the SortBarCaption property is "Drag a <b>column</b> header here to sort by that column.". Use the Font property to specify the control's font. Use the ItemBySortPosition property to access the columns in the control's sort bar. 

The SortBarCaption property may include built-in HTML tags like follows: