property Items.RootItem ([Position as Long]) as HITEM

Retrieves the handle of the root item given its index in the root items collection.

Position as Long A long value that indicates the index of the root item.
HITEM A long expression that indicates the handle of the root item. 

A root item is an item that has no parent (ItemParent() = 0). Use the RootCount property of to count the root items. Use the AddItem to add root items to the control. Use the InsertItem method to insert child items. Use the FirstVisibleItem property to get the first visible item in the control's client area. The NextVisibleItem property retrieves the handle of next visible item. The NextSiblingItem property retrieves the next sibling of the item in the parent's child list. Use the RootItem property to get the first visible item in the list. If you need to enumerate the items as they are added, you may use the ItemByIndex property.