property Column.FilterOnType as Boolean
Filters the column as user types characters in the drop down filter window.

Boolean A Boolean expression that specifies whether the column gets filtered as the user types characters in the drop down filter window.  
By default, the FilterOnType property is False. The  Filter-On-Type feature allows you to filter the control's data based on the typed characters. Use the DisplayFilterButton property to add a drop down filter button to the column's header. The Filter-On-Type feature works like follows: User clicks the column's drop down filter button, so the drop down filter window is shown. Use starts type characters, and the control filters the column based on the typed characters as it includes all items that starts with typed characters, if the AutoSearch property is exStartWith, or include in the filter list only the items that contains the typed characters, if the AutoSearch property is exContains. Click the X button on the filterbar, and so the control removes the filter, and so all data is displayed. Once, the FilterOnType property is set on True, the column's FilterType property is changed to exPattern, and the the Filter property indicates the typed string. Use the FilterCriteria property to specify the expression being used to filter the control's data when multiple columns are implied in the filter. Use the FilterHeight property to specify the height of the control's filterbar that's displayed on the bottom side of the control, once a filter is applied. The  "Filter For" (pattern) field in the drop down filter window is always shown if the FilterOnType property is True, no matter of the DisplayFilterPattern property.